Friday, February 27, 2009

Hudson Goodness

What's up kids of the interweb. Today I was down at Hudson's Hamburgers (If you haven't been to Hudson's and your from CDA, there is something wrong with you, If you aren't from CDA and your ever come to CDA, you H A V E to go to Hudson's Hamburgers) Any ways, it was a nice day out today. So while I was in Hudson's I took quite a few photos. I took a frame-by-frame story of me eating the burger(I'll get that edited and loaded on to the blog and Myspace pronto!) so that should turn out cool as GIF. While eating my burger I was talking to the cook about art and photography. We got into talking about tattoos and he showed me the "art" on his arms and legs. They all have stories behind them too, such as being drunk in germany and getting a "late night tat" or just being bored and getting some tattoo. Really nice guy in the end though. Well any ways I had a good meal.

So anyways I got back from SLC, Utah last week (still un-packing my stuff :/ ) Which was totally sick. I got to ride Park City for 4 days. 4 Days of total epicness. Got to spend some good time with the father. But anyways, I was packing my gear up into the car and just getting stuff ready for leaving to the airport. So just getting it all ready I look over to the side of my car and see this:

Brownie Points to whoever got this.

Thanks guys, 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Weekend at Schweitzer. W/ Some Rail Jam Shots

I have these shots from a few weekends ago. Most of them turned out super great. The ones of Chuck Schmit and Gared Schneider turned out really nice. The shots of all the others didn't turn out bad either. Some might have a little bit of noise be aware!

What'd you think?
Tell me.

- Steve Sturges