Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nelson, BC

Hey people, Here are some of the photos from Nelson adventures. Lots of them turned out great. Nelson is such a fun town to just walk a round and snap photos. Yesterday and today I rode at White Water then tomorrow I am going up to BigWhite and then to Red Mountain. Tour De Canada. Take a look:

Down Flat Down times a billion




DFD X a billion


Stairs with a dog


Side Walk

Pad Lock

Rail Road


Marajuana is bad.

I like that no prison for pot one, it made me laugh.

Thats all,



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Shots this week

This week is a little hectic. Tryin' to get everything in before spring break but still doing lot's of home work. I have be photoing quite a bit and playing with exposures and shutter got some fun photos. There is this photo of the Water Bottle, Amazingly, barely any photoshop used, only levels and some burning and cropping. Pretty stoked on it.
water bottle
The cool thing about this photo (besides not using photoshop) is that with this green laser pointer I have going through this bottle of water, the colors where just blazing out of the bottle.
Here are some more photos:



Another Motion

..... The one of scott's car going by and you can vaguely see his car I was doing a reverse flash with a flash at the start of the shutter and the end of the shutter.
As you can see the photo of the car on the street with the gas station in the back ground is kind of noisy but I had to manage. What was really pissing me off was the rain lots of times, rain would fall on my lens and completely ruin the photo but I had to make due.



Another Motion